Showing details for project SYSMHC00019
SampleID |
NumReplicates |
Organism |
TissueType |
CellType |
MHCAllele |
SampleID |
NumReplicates |
Organism |
TissueType |
CellType |
MHCAllele |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA3ST |
4 |
Human |
DRB1_0301,DRB1_1501 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST |
4 |
Human |
DRB1_1101,DRB1_1302 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA5PB |
5 |
Human |
DRB1_0301,DRB1_0305 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA5SF |
5 |
Human |
DRB1_0301,DRB1_0305 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA5ST |
4 |
Human |
DRB1_0301,DRB1_0305 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA6ST |
2 |
Human |
DRB1_0103,DRB1_0301 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA7SF_QE |
1 |
Human |
DRB1_0403,DRB1_1501 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA7ST |
2 |
Human |
DRB1_0403,DRB1_1501 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA8SF_QE |
2 |
Human |
DRB1_0401,DRB1_1001 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA8ST_QE |
1 |
Human |
DRB1_0401,DRB1_1001 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA2SF |
5 |
Human |
DRB1_0101,DRB1_0401 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA2ST_QE |
1 |
Human |
DRB1_0101,DRB1_0401 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA3ST |
4 |
Human |
DRB1_0101,DRB1_0401 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA4PB |
3 |
Human |
DRB1_0401,DRB1_1501 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA4SF |
3 |
Human |
DRB1_0401,DRB1_1501 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_RA5ST |
4 |
Human |
DRB1_0801,DRB1_1501 |
Detailed view of sample SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST
ID |
SampleID |
RawFileName |
Organism |
Process |
Tissue Type |
Cell Type |
Culture Conditions |
Disease State |
Comments |
MHCClass |
MHCAllele |
PubMed ID |
Peptide |
Isolation Method |
Antibody |
Mass Spectrometer |
LC System |
iRT Peptides |
Acquisition Mode |
Fragmentation Method |
Gradient |
Gradient Length |
Flow Rate |
Replicate Number |
ID |
SampleID |
RawFileName |
Organism |
Process |
Tissue_Type |
Cell_Type |
Culture_Conditions |
Disease_State |
Comments |
MHCClass |
MHCAllele |
PubMed_ID |
Peptide |
Isolation_Method |
Antibody |
Mass_Spectrometer |
LC_System |
iRT_Peptides |
Acquisition_Mode |
Fragmentation_Method |
Gradient |
Gradient_Length |
Flow_Rate |
Replicate_Number |
SYSMHC00019 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST |
SYSMHC00019_LA4ST_1_Orbitrap.RAW |
Human |
in vivo |
Synovium |
Lyme arthritis |
disease duration 1.6 years |
class II |
DRB1_1101,DRB1_1302 |
27726376 |
native |
Immunoaffinity |
L243 |
Orbitrap XL |
Waters noAcquity UPLC |
no |
Buffer A contained 1% acetonitrile (ACN) and 0.1% formic acid in water, and buffer B contained 1% water and 0.1% formic acid in ACN. |
52 min |
.5 uL/min |
1 |
SYSMHC00019 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST |
SYSMHC00019_LA4ST_2_Orbitrap.RAW |
Human |
in vivo |
Synovium |
Lyme arthritis |
disease duration 1.6 years |
class II |
DRB1_1101,DRB1_1302 |
27726376 |
native |
Immunoaffinity |
L243 |
Orbitrap XL |
Waters noAcquity UPLC |
no |
Buffer A contained 1% acetonitrile (ACN) and 0.1% formic acid in water, and buffer B contained 1% water and 0.1% formic acid in ACN. |
52 min |
.5 uL/min |
2 |
SYSMHC00019 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST |
SYSMHC00019_LA4ST_3_Orbitrap.RAW |
Human |
in vivo |
Synovium |
Lyme arthritis |
disease duration 1.6 years |
class II |
DRB1_1101,DRB1_1302 |
27726376 |
native |
Immunoaffinity |
L243 |
Orbitrap XL |
Waters noAcquity UPLC |
no |
Buffer A contained 1% acetonitrile (ACN) and 0.1% formic acid in water, and buffer B contained 1% water and 0.1% formic acid in ACN. |
52 min |
.5 uL/min |
3 |
SYSMHC00019 |
SYSMHC00019_Wangq_161024_Costello_USA_LA4ST |
SYSMHC00019_LA4ST_4_Orbitrap.RAW |
Human |
in vivo |
Synovium |
Lyme arthritis |
disease duration 1.6 years |
class II |
DRB1_1101,DRB1_1302 |
27726376 |
native |
Immunoaffinity |
L243 |
Orbitrap XL |
Waters noAcquity UPLC |
no |
Buffer A contained 1% acetonitrile (ACN) and 0.1% formic acid in water, and buffer B contained 1% water and 0.1% formic acid in ACN. |
52 min |
.5 uL/min |
4 |